Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education: Mythic Origins
March 14-16, 2024
The 17th annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is an online distributed conference happening in multiple virtual spaces. This conference focuses on the use of immersive virtual environments for educational purposes including virtual and augmented reality.
To the best ability possible, VWBPE provides educational and networking opportunities that are relevant to educational curriculum development utilizing virtual environments and “best practices”. These include
- helping to build community through extension of learning best practices to practical application of those ideas and techniques;
- providing networking opportunities for educators and the communities that help support education; and
- providing access to current innovations, trends, ideas, case studies, and other best practices for educators and the communities that help support education
One of the key challenges faced by the educational community is how to make the best use of new immersive technologies in a way that is sustainable and accessible based on limited budgets available to both instructors and students. Platforms that are free or open source, or that can be shared across a broad audience are showcased including methods and research around best practices in their use and applicability.
VWBPE will again be using Linden Lab’s Second Life® environment as our primary conference venue for meetings, exhibits, roundtables, and discussions. Participants are encouraged to submit proposals and immersive experience tours on any environment for education using technologies for virtual or augmented reality. We actively encourage showcasing multiple technology platforms. This includes practical application, researched papers, conceptual, and content creation supporting those technologies.
Mythic stories can provide a way to engage students in critical thinking and analysis, as well as developing their creativity and imagination.
Mythic origins can provide students with a deeper understanding of their own cultural heritage and how it has evolved over time.
It allows us to explore the origins of our socially constructed myths and legends that have inspired educators and their various works.
Join us and share your research, praxis, and origin stories of how virtual technologies in the classroom has helped shape education for the better.
The conference is free to attend. The cost of the conference is covered by sponsorship and donations.
* Play * Explore * Engage * Immerse * Learn *
There’s Still Time to Explore Those Mythic Origins
It's Not All Gone Yet! Come Experience - Hunt - Explore - Play! The conference regions remain open through 15 April! Here are some ways you can keep exploring Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education.Post-Conference...
VWBPE Announces 2024 Thinkerer
The Awards Committee has taken the nominations for this prestigious award very seriously every year. This year, it was evident who should be our recipient. Unfortunately she could not be here, but I’m certain you all agree...
Welcome to VWBPE 2024 Mythic Origins
Welcome to the official opening of the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2024 conference! We’ll start bright and early Thursday at the VWBPE Gateway, 7:00am SLT/PDT, with lovely classical music by Ari. Catch up...
Amidst All the Learning, We Will Chill and Play!
The VWBPE Conference brings many opportunities for attendees and conference organizers to meet, talk, collaborate and explore virtual worlds like Second Life. There will also be fun, interactive social breaks throughout the...
Quick News Flash!
This is a little reminder about two happenings around VWBPE this week.2nd VWBPE Networking Fundraiser THURSDAY 7 March, 11:00 AM* & 5:00 PM SLT There's Magic in Them Mushrooms! We invite you to visit and explore our...
Welcome to VWBPE 2024 Mythic Origins
It is a pleasure to welcome you all to the 17th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference - Mythic Origins. We are proud to announce the program schedule for this year’s conference which you can find at...
Magic at Our Next Networking Fundraiser
There's Magic in Them Mushrooms? Many believe mushrooms hold special abilities. Dancing inside a ring of mushrooms opens a portal that whisks you away to visit fairies and elves. We believe mushrooms bring good luck and are...
Volunteers are Mythic Heroes
SECOND CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS The quest for the Mythic Origins of learning in virtual worlds is full of challenges. Educators come together to share how we began, how far we have come, and a glimpse of the future ahead. This...
Bring your Immersive Experiences and Exhibits to VWBPE!
Let’s get all Mythic and Stuff! The 17th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is drawing near. Don’t be one of the few leaders in online virtual education that didn’t get their exhibit or immersive...
It’s a Smaller World
Please join us for a Memorial Gathering in the Enchanted Woods as we gather to remember and honor our beloved friend Lorraine Mockford / LoriVonne Lustre (LV). Thursday February 8 11:00 AM SLT 5:00 PM SLT Location: The...
It’s A Small World…in the Forest!
The VWBPE Social Committee invites you for a walk in the forest...Your Attention Please The upcoming networking fundraiser has been postponed. The new date will be announced later.Tucked away deep in a wood hides a secret...
Extended: Presentation Proposals, Thinkerer Nominations
The deadlines for the Presentations Call for Proposals andfor the Thinkerer Award nominations have been extended.Presentations CFP Deadline Extended Is your presentation proposal not quite ready for submission to the call...
Discover Your Inner Superhero!
Hero's Play! Identifying with your favourite superhero is child's play!The VWBPE Social Committee brings you the first Social Networking Fundraiser January 11, 2024. Our first theme for 2024 invites you to come as your...
Happy Holidays!
The VWBPE Organizational Committee wishes youpeace, joy, and prosperity throughout the coming year.Thank you for your continued support and partnership.(In front) Elli Pinion, iSkye Silverweb, Beth Ghostraven; (back row)...
Nominating 2024 Thinkerer Candidates
Help recognize the best and brightest of our community by nominating those people who have given so much and asked for so little in return.In recognition for his long-term leadership and dedication to furthering education,...
If You are New to Second Life®
The conference will be held in Second Life®, which is a 3d user-created virtual environment.
If you are new to virtual worlds, we can get you started, and we encourage you to do this in advance of the conference.
On the main campus of the Rockcliffe University Consortium there is a gateway to enter Second Life which includes a welcome and orientation area. There you can quickly learn the basics to navigate in Second Life, and when the conference opens in March, the Gateway can be your starting point to go to the VWBPE conference.