VWBPE Announces Closing Keynote Larysa Nadolny

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is pleased to confirm that Larysa Nadolny will be our closing keynote in Second Life. Dr. Nadolny knows about research, education, and learning in the 21st century. Her grant funded projects have resulted in...

VWBPE Announces Featured Keynote David Gibson

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is pleased to announce that David Gibson will be one of our featured keynotes in Second Life. Only he can best describe the significance of his work in this guest blog: Design Implications of Game-Based...

VWBPE Announces Invited Keynote Ebbe Altberg

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is pleased to announce that Ebbe Altberg, CEO of Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life, will be a featured keynote in Second Life. While he has not been long at the helm, he has made definite strides forward...

VWBPE Announces Invited Keynote Andrew Hughes

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is pleased to confirm that Andrew Hughes will be one of the featured keynotes in Second Life. His work with immersive learning and games demonstrates how three-dimensional spaces are the breeding ground for...

VWBPE Announces Maria Korolov as Featured Keynote for 2014

The Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference is pleased to confirm that Maria Korolov will be one of the featured keynotes in OSGrid. She brings a rich variety of experiences from her journalistic career, as well as a pragmatic view of the hypergrid. It...

VWBPE Announces the Conference Schedule is Now Online

Four Score and Seven Days ago our avatars brought forth on this region a new community, conceived in open source, and dedicated to the principle that education is the great equalizer. Now we are engaged in a great conference, testing whether that faith, or any...