Deadline: July 15, 2016

Innovation. Experimentation. Curiosity. Testing Limits.

Educators, are any of the above words characteristics of your ongoing classroom projects, or your own projects in virtual environments? Would you like to showcase your project?
Come on. Show off a bit!

VWBPE Science Fair Header

Welcome to the VWBPE’s first annual Science Fair!

For Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education’s tenth anniversary, we bring you a new element in our conference program. Educators from all disciplines and levels are invited to participate in the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Science Fair. If you are interested in including an immersive project as part of your curriculum this coming fall, consider showcasing it with us.

In this instance, the term “science” encompasses a body of knowledge, whose systems, concepts, or major paradigms can then be demonstrated, experimented, and/or designed through the lense of any number of social, behavioral, and natural sciences as disciplines. These may include, but are not limited to the following:

Science and Mathematics (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Mathematics)
Social Sciences (Education, History, Anthropology, Economics)
Behavioral Sciences (Psychology, Sociology)
Fine Arts (Languages, Art, Music, Theatre)

This is not an exhaustive list; merely examples of the variety of disciplines that can be included in the Science Fair.

Share your students’ work in virtual worlds by submitting your proposal for the VWBPE17 Science Fair. You have three options:

  • Submitting as a group for your entire class (Grades 9-12) or
  • Submitting as a group for your entire class (University/Continuing Education), or
  • Submitting as an individual teacher.

Science Fair Explosion

Review the Requirements for Proposal Submissions in the tab for your option, found at then proceed to submit your proposal.

NOTE: We cannot be held liable for damage caused by virtually exploding exhibits.
Photo credit: That Bill Fellow on Flickr

Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education
Coming in 2017: Legacy
* Play * Explore * Engage * Immerse * Learn *