Keynotes and Speakers
Eleven years of education, art, science, discussion, and networking using immersive virtual environments in education. How do you re:Vision the old to make way for the new in these brave new digital spaces of play, learning, and creation?
We are pleased to feature the following keynotes and speakers on the slate for the upcoming VWBPE conference in April 2019.
When the program schedule becomes available we will include the dates and times of these speakers’ presentations on this page.

Tom Boellstorff
Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Irvine
Tom Boellstorff is a Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine. A Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, he is the author of many articles and the books: The Gay Archipelago (Princeton University Press, 2005); A Coincidence of Desires (Duke University Press, 2007); and Coming of Age in Second Life (Princeton University Press, new edition 2015). He is also the co-author of Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method (Princeton University Press, 2012), and the co-editor of Data, Now Bigger and Better! (Prickly Paradigm Press, 2015). With Bill Maurer, he is Series Editor for the Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology (Princeton University Press). A former Editor-in-Chief of American Anthropologist, the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association, he currently sits on the editorial boards of many journals, including Games and Culture and Sexualities.
More about Tom Boellstorff:

Tuncer Can
Assistant Professor, English Language Teaching Department, Istanbul University
Tuncer Can, PhD 2011, from Istanbul University, English Language Teaching Department where he currently lectures. MA completed in 2004 on “Constructivism”. In 2005, being granted a Fulbright Scholarship he spent a year at Syracuse University, NY, USA, where he taught Turkish via Videoconferencing.
Besides training pre-service language teachers, he has been teaching English to adults at all levels at Turkish Air Force Academy and has organized teacher training courses at the Language Center of Istanbul University since 2007. His research ranges from Constructivist Approach to using 3D VLEs in the context of foreign language learning and instruction. He has also partnered in many projects like “CAMELOT: (2013-2015), “YouRNI – (2016-2019), TABLIO (2016-2019), and GUINEVERE (2017-2019) funded by European Commission.
More about Tuncer Can:

Jonathon Richter
Dr. Jonathon Richter is the Chair of Digital Design Technologies at Salish Kootenai College on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana and is co-founder and Executive Director of the Immersive Learning Research Network, a global interdisciplinary organization with a mission to seek, highlight, and showcase “what works” for immersive environments for education and training. His research focuses on the use of digital tools for situated learning, collaboration, co-design, cultural heritage, and meaningful community.
Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN):
More about Dr. Jonathon Richter: