VWBPE: Transitions

April 3-5, 2025

Proposals: Presentation Guidelines

Introduction: Transitions

The VWBPE 2025 theme is Transitions. Educational transitions have reshaped how students and educators engage in virtual, AI-driven spaces. Students now actively create learning and social experiences, connecting globally and exploring diverse perspectives. Educators, as facilitators, use technology to personalize learning and support growth. These transitions go beyond format changes, redefining educational and social norms, and fostering collaboration and meaningful connections in an evolving digital landscape. We issue this Call for Proposals, to explore these transitions occurring in education across the world.

At this conference, we will explore big ideas in education including:

  • How we can enhance our educational approaches
  • Changing perceptions and behaviors of students towards lifelong learning, and
  • Understanding the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning

Educators, innovators, and enthusiasts from all corners of the globe are invited to come together at this groundbreaking event. We understand that education is a collaborative endeavor, and we believe in the power of synergy. Whether you’re an educator, an educational technologist, a web developer, or a passionate advocate for immersive learning, you are welcome to be part of our community.

Join us at VWBPE 2025 as we explore these Transitions together.

All subject areas and virtual environments that support teaching and learning are welcome.

Livestream Engagement

Many of the conference sessions are streamed via YouTube Live as part of the recording process. The audience for these livestream sessions has been increasing each year. Therefore, VWBPE 2025 plans to incorporate questions and comments from the livestream with the presenter(s) and participants in-world.

Presentation proposals are due 31 January 2025.

Presentation Guidelines

Presentation proposals are those which will be included as part of the conference program, during any of the three days of the conference. These will be scheduled in a particular location and be listed on the main program.

All proposals submitted here are required to submit a title, a presentation summary with 1-2 objectives, and a description of how your proposal fits the “Transitions” conference theme. Each of these fields has character limits, so please compose in a document before you add it to the form. Text that exceeds the character limit will be truncated.

Click on each of the tabs to get additional information on how to create a proposal that fits this conference.

Time zones for the lead presenter and co-presenter are requested in order to assist in scheduling your presentation.

You will also be asked to include 1-4 keywords that are applicable to your proposal, such as tags for topics, technologies used, digital skills applied and other similar tags.

An additional consideration to keep in mind is the manner in which you will make your presentation accessible in text and voice for our diverse audience. We suggest one of the following or you may indicate a different method in your proposal submission.

  • SpeakEasy HUD Tool
  • Provide your own transcriptionist
  • Provide a written script during the presentation
  • Other: (please specify)

Consider the type of community you represent. Choose one that fits best.

  • Educators and Trainers (default)
  • Artists, Designers and Builders
  • Business and Entrepreneurs
  • Entertainers and Performers
  • IT Solution Designers
  • Nonprofits and Help Communities
  • Students and Post Graduates
  • Other (please specify)

When preparing your exhibit proposal, consider the seven tracks below.

  • Best Practices (default)
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with proven approaches, successful implementations, or lessons learned in practice, creation, or learning. Highlight frameworks, standards, or methods that can be adopted and adapted to support effective outcomes.
  • Advocacy
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with examples, projects, or initiatives focused on promoting positive change and awareness within communities. Showcase work that empowers individuals or groups, addresses equity and inclusion, or champions causes relevant to practice, creation, or learning.
  • Collaboration & Communication
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with innovative examples, projects, or best practices on how virtual and digital technologies make connections and collaborations possible across distances in unexpected ways in practice, creation, or learning.
  • Creativity and Innovation
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with innovative examples, projects, or best practices of creative and innovative work, by featuring ways to demonstrate originality, artistic and practical expression in practice, creation, or learning.
  • Essential Accessibility
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with innovative examples, projects, or best practices on using technology to make practice, creation, or learning accessible to multiple populations with varied abilities and engagement styles.
  • Research and Studies
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with recent research findings, studies, or analyses that contribute to understanding and improving practice, creation, or learning. Highlight methodologies, data insights, or evidence-based outcomes that inform or challenge conventional perspectives.
  • Tools and Products
    Proposals to this track should engage participants with practical tools, resources, or products designed to support practice, creation, or learning. Showcase innovations that enhance functionality, improve efficiency, or offer new solutions to meet diverse needs in various environments.

This year, we have four formats for presentations:

  • Presentation
    This format features a focused talk or lecture designed to inform and inspire participants within a 50-minute timeframe. Presenters will share insights, case studies, or theoretical perspectives that spark new ideas, offering participants valuable takeaways for practice, creation, or learning.
  • Workshop
    This interactive, 50-minute format allows participants to actively engage in hands-on activities, exercises, or collaborative problem-solving. Facilitators will guide participants in applying concepts, exploring tools, or developing skills that they can directly implement in their own contexts.
  • Roundtable
    This 50-minute, discussion-based format features 3 to 5 speakers who foster open dialogue among participants, focusing on shared experiences, challenges, or emerging questions. Moderators will facilitate an exchange of perspectives, encouraging participants to collectively explore solutions, strategies, or insights that address key issues in practice, creation, or learning.
  • Demonstration
    This practical, 50-minute format highlights specific tools, technologies, or methods through a live or guided demonstration. Presenters will showcase functionality, benefits, or unique applications, enabling participants to see these solutions in action and understand their potential for real-world implementation.


  • Presentation Title
    The title cannot be longer than 50 characters.
  • Presentation Summary
    A brief description of the presentation. [1000 characters maximum]
    Note: This summary will be published on the conference program.
  • Objectives
    List 1 or 2 objectives which indicate what participants will gain from the session in learning, skills, application, or engagement. Each objective should be one concise sentence, which begins as follows: “Participants will be able to….” [100 characters maximum]
  • Transitions Connection
    Describe how the proposed presentation fits the Transitions conference theme. [500 characters maximum]
    Note: This information will only be seen by reviewers.
  • Keyworlds
    Please list 1-4 keywords that apply to the presentation. They may include tags for topics, technologies used, digital skills applied, etc. [50 characters maximum]


  • Presenter Names
    Real names are suggested but not required for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
  • Time Zone
    Our conference schedule uses the time zone of our virtual venue, Second Life, which is US Pacific Time (UTC -7). Because of our global audience, we make every effort to schedule each presentation at a time that is friendly to the desired particular time zone, though generally, our daily conference runs from 6:00 am to 8 pm PT.
    If a co-presenter is in a different time zone, please indicate that information.

Please note that presenters will be accepted for no more than TWO (2) presentations as either a presenter or co-presenter.

Submissions for the Presentations category of the Call for Proposals are now CLOSED.