VWBPE: Transitions
April 3-5, 2025
VWBPE 2025 Consent to Publish
The author(s) hereby authorize Rockcliffe University Consortium and its agents, designees or representatives (collectively, “Rockcliffe”) to publish my proposal submission including the submission metadata, academic papers, files, videotape, audiotape, film, photograph or any other medium and to use my name, likeness, voice and biographical material in connection with the presentations in connection with the 16th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference taking place April 3-5, 2025.
The author(s) further authorize Rockcliffe to publish or archive such presentation materials in whole or in part, and copy, distribute, display and perform my presentation materials in whole or in part, without restrictions or limitation, for any educational or promotional purpose which Rockcliffe, and those acting pursuant to its authority, deem appropriate.
The author(s) guarantee the following:
- All authors are properly credited.
- The Work is the author(s)’ original work.
- The Work does not infringe on or violate any intellectual property rights of another party, including copyrights and patents.
- The author(s) possesses, or has legally authorized, exclusive ownership and copyright of the work.
- The author(s) has full power and legal right to execute and perform this agreement.
Consent to Publish:
- The author(s) grant Rockcliffe permission to publish the author(s) work as part of the Rockcliffe Library wiki and other wikis, indexes or other associated archives as may appropriately cite the author(s) submission.
- The author(s) agrees to transfer to Rockcliffe unlimited non-exclusive rights to publish, print, reproduce, distribute, and translate (or allow others to translate) throughout all forms of media that are now known and later developed.
- Additionally, the author(s) grants Rockcliffe the right to use the names of the author(s) in association with the work in published form and in promotional materials. Lastly, if Rockcliffe is contacted for copyright permission, the publisher may release contact information of the author(s) to the inquiring party.
Author’s Retention of Rights:
Copyright will remain with the author(s) and the author(s) reserves all other rights. Thus, the author(s) retains the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, and display the work, as well as produce derivative works, by any means and can authorize others to do the same.
The author(s) understand Rockcliffe shall solely own all copyrights to the Journal of Virtual Studies, and other Rockcliffe related wikis, archives, and/or indexing systems now or to be developed, and hereby release Rockcliffe from any and all claims or liabilities that may arise from any such broadcast, publication or transmission.