Use of 3D virtual technology has been making its way into mainstream education, non-profit and business settings. This 8th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference (VWBPE15) is the definitive event bringing together educators/trainers, practitioners, administrators and policy makers from around the world to present, discuss and review ongoing developments in the field of 3D virtualization, its applications, and opportunities.
Over 3,300 people from 45 countries attended our last conference. There were 80 presentations in three days including keynote addresses by Ebbe Altberg, CEO of Linden Lab and Philip Rosedale, Second Life creator and CEO of High Fidelity.
In just the past several years, over 60 hours of video footage has been captured and has been made available free to the academic community in addition to other video broadcasts, with thousands of views.
Similarly, blogs, articles and interviews, wiki’s, vast amounts of social media posts have reached thousands of other educators and related professionals around the world, which has fostered an ongoing interest in the importance of the conference, its reach, and effects.
Join us and be a part of this conference! Watch this website for updates and follow us on our social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.