The symbolic crossroads meets at an intersection of mind, heart, body, and soul. As educators, our best practices come from an interaction of any of these. The Quadrivium is where these four roads meet. What are your best practices? What is your passion?

The Quadrivium will be in session during the Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education 2014, during certain times in the program. Do you have something to share? Something you didn’t get to formalize into a proposal at this year’s conference? Something compelling that burns inside you? How can The Quadrivium help you showcase that?

We’ll give you 50 minutes at the Quadrivium to connect with our participants. Just you, your ideas, and your audience. Limited time slots are available, so only the very best will be selected.

Submissions to The Quadrivium will be accepted only through this button: Quadrivium Submission

Submissions to the Quadrivium should include the following:

  • Your title/topic
  • A brief description of your main discussion points
  • Name(s) you wish announced (i.e. avatar, real name)
  • Your preferred date and time from the Quadrivium schedule

Quadrivium submissions will be open starting Saturday, April 5, and closing Monday, April 7 at 3:00 p.m. SLT.

The executive planning committee for VWBPE will peer review and determine who gets air time.

Acceptance letters will go out no later than 5pm PDT on Tuesday April 8th.