Where do educators create virtual world environments that enhance teaching and learning?
To answer that, we will have five educational teams hosting virtual tours to explore what they and their students have been creating.
Some tours have special requirements for connecting to their environment and our hosts have provided an overviews. Click on each tour link below (or on the event in the conference calendar) for more information and for ‘how to join’ instructions.
We invite you to join us and hope you can share your learning experiences with our social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Flickr) using the hashtag: #VWtours.
It is important to note that you should be at the tour location 15 minutes before we start. If you have difficulties or questions, please contact LoriVonne Lustre at Lorraine_mockford@yahoo.ca.
Here is the schedule for the tours in the three weeks post-conference:
1. Friday 27 Mar 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM SLT (60 min)
Tour of the University of the West of England Simulations, UWE Islands, Second Life
2. Saturday 28 Mar 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM SLT (120 min)
VRcampus – A Unity3D-based online MMO focusing on quick orientation for new users, large-scale campus use, and private branding with safe controlled-access VRcampus, Unity3D
3. Monday 30 Mar 4:00 – 5:00 PM SLT (60 min)
Afro-Latino Foodways Museum: A Class Final Project, UTEP Miners, Second Life
4. Thursday 09 Apr 4:00 – 5:00 PM SLT (60 min)
Meeting of the Minds Walking Tour has been CANCELLED.
5. Saturday 11 Apr 9:00 – 10:30 AM SLT (90 min)
Inspiration Island: Home of the Ageless Mind Project in Second Life, Inspiration Island, Second Life