Please help recognize the best and brightest of our community by nominating those people who have given so much and asked for so little in return.
In 2014, the first annual Thinkerer Award was presented to Selby Evans (Thinkerer Melville) for whom the award is named. For 2015 the committee is starting the selection process based on public input. If you know someone who deserves to be recognized by this life-time award, please complete the 2015 nomination form below.
Final selection will be completed by the VWBPE Organizational Committee and the award recipient contacted during the week of March 9th. Public announcement of the award will be made during the 2015 Closing Ceremony on March 21, 2015.
To nominate a candidate for the VWBPE 2015 Thinkerer Award, please complete the form below.
If your browser does not have iframes enabled, you can find the VWBPE 2015 Thinkerer Award nomination form here.
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