Quadrivium is the Latin word for “four ways”, a place where four roads meet. In Plato’s The Republic, the quadrivium of subjects consists of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music, considered an essential foundation for further study.
Through the ages, the subjects have changed or expanded according to what society considered important to gradually become the essence of a liberal arts or “classical” education.
For VWBPE, the quadrivium is a space for discussion, where varied topics and expertise come together to help build knowledge base, expand thoughts, and network. This is the quadrivium for the modern age.
This year’s VWBPE program features three focused discussions and topics of vital interest to our virtual communities: Gamification, Accessibility and Tools, and Educators and the Second Life Viewer.
The discussions will be facilitated by individuals with expertise and background on the topic, however, their role will be primarily to hear what you have to say. Here are the details:
Quadrivium Networking Topic: Gamification
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
2:00 – 2:50 p.m.
Location: SL VWBPE Quadrivium
Facilitator: Lloud Laffer
Quadrivium Networking Topic: Accessibility and Tools
Thursday, March 19, 2015
3:00 – 3:50 p.m.
Location: AvaCon Grid Main Stage
Facilitator: Chraeloos Resident
Quadrivium Networking Topic: Educators and the Second Life Viewer
Friday, March 20, 2015
2:05 – 2:55 p.m.
Location: VWBPE Main Auditorium
Facilitator: Oz Linden
Please join us at our “quad” discussions for some intense debate, engaging ideas exchange, and a crossroads of unlimited possibilities.